Speaking with Shane Caulfield, our local Osteopath of over 30 Years’ experience.
Speaking with Shane Caulfield, our local Osteopath of over 30 Years’ experience. There can be many different reasons why people result in acute or chronic pain and in my 30 plus years of practising as an Osteopath, I [...]
Osteopathy – What it is about and how it can help you?
Osteopathy – What it is about and how it can help you? They use their hands to treat your body in a variety of ways, using a mixture of gentle and forceful techniques. Techniques are chosen based on [...]
How Osteopath treatment can help Central Coast runners
How Osteopath treatment for running injuries is so effective! Running injuries here on the Central Coast in Spring are common. It's time to ensure you keep a “spring” in your step! The weather is warming, the days are [...]
Back pain and treatment
Back pain and treatment Our Osteopathic therapists understand how debilitating back pain can be. Shane, our Osteopath has over 30 years’ experience with treating acute and chronic back pain. About 4.0 million Australians (16% of the total population) [...]
Osteoarthritis Treatment
What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis (OA) is a progressive and chronic, debilitating disease that causes noticeable pain and stiffness. This is due to the degeneration of the articular cartilage that covers joints and results in areas of the joint [...]